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Chinese translation for "welfare worker"


Related Translations:
welfare:  n.福利(事业);繁荣,兴隆。 Advisory Committee for Child W- 儿童福利促进会。 public welfare funds 公共福利基金。 the national welfare and the people's livelihood 国计民生。
welfare mother:  〔美国〕领福利救济的母亲〔指有孩子而无丈夫、需接受社会福利救济的妇女〕。
welfare fund:  福利基金。
welfare roll:  〔美国〕福利救济人员名册。
welfare state:  福利国家。
welfare centre:  福利中心[设施,机构]。
welfare hotel:  〔美国〕福利旅馆。
common welfare:  公共福利。
social welfare:  社会福利;社会福利救济。
welfare statism:  福利国家论[主义]。
Example Sentences:
1.Hong kong welfare workers association
2.Community welfare worker
3.Social welfare ( welfare worker , home helper , personal care worker )
4.You should become a welfare worker ; you have a vocation for helping people
5.Students were also trained as economists , agriculturalists , social welfare workers , and teachers
6.Students were also trained as economists , architects , agriculturalists , social welfare workers , and teachers
7.The centre has launched various health education courses for teachers , pre - school educators , social welfare workers and health care workers in hong kong and overseas
8.A welfare worker of the housing department was sentenced to seven months imprisonment , suspended for 18 months , for using false attendance records with intent to deceive the government
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